Seattle On My Mind (Weekly Update)

I spent the majority of this week planning my trip to Seattle. I’ll be going at the beginning of August and it’s a trip I’m very much looking forward to. Right now, my mom and I are planning out the sites to see, stores to visit and possible neighborhoods to move to. We’re heavily considering this move now and so we figured that while we’re out there, we might as well check out some potential landing sites. It would be a fresh start. One we both are in desperate need of.

All day today and yesterday, I’ve been wearing the two most powerful stones in my witchy repertoire: My moldavite and my Libyan desert glass. It’s said that when these two tektites are put together, they have a very high vibration that evokes change and transformation. My small but mighty piece of moldavite has proven itself once before and I”m hoping for another miracle again. I was gifted the piece of moldavite from my mom and just over a month after receiving it, the stars aligned for my mom and I made to escape our situation at home and start a new life. In all the hustle and bustle of said escape, I lost the stone and was absolutely devastated. When I received (most of) my belongings from my dad’s house a year later, I found the little rock at the bottom of a box of art supplies. I think it needed a break after that day. But now, I have it back and have added a piece of Libyan desert glass to the mix. Moldavite is a powerful and rare stone that brings the change you desire into your life in a fast and almost destructive way. The Libyan desert glass is also a rare stone with similar properties, although it’s considered to be the gentler sister to moldavite. When used together, they bring about change in a calm yet still powerful manner. I get super nervous taking my moldavite out of the safety of my living space with the fear that I might loose it again but just like with a move across the country, you have to take some risks to get the results you want. While wearing them these past two days, I’ve been feeling a super dense energy field around me so I’m pretty sure they’re working!

In business news, I’m thinking of taking these yap sessions to TikTok. I know, I know, another TikTok idea but this time I think it could stick! It would be low maintenance and high yield. It would just be me…but yapping about my business and progress! Just like what I’m doing here. I’m in the middle of a transitional journey right now, one that people want to hear about. From college student trapped under a narcissist’s thumb to corporate worker-bee to successful artist and entrepreneur. I already have plans of turning these blog posts into a book when it’s all said and done but I want people to be able to follow along and go “I’ve been here since day one”. I don’t think I can accomplish that through scripted videos, I think they need to be candid and in the moment. More to come there.

Back to Washington. I’ve been thinking about it a lot this week. Pining for the pines. Listening to the Twilight soundtrack on repeat and thinking about how it’ll feel to walk through those trees, under the canopy of moss and sparse sunlight. What I’ll say to customers who stop into my store and what kinds of artsy classes we’ll offer. I’m so looking forward to doing what I do best: Creating art and teaching. It’s so much fun to picture, now I need to go and make it happen.

I want to go to there


25 (Weekly Update)


Fear my Entrepreneurial Powers (Weekly Update)