The 5-9 after my 9-5 (Weekly Update)

This past week, my moonlight shift of working on personal projects has been a lot less hectic than my 9-5. I try not to carry the stress of my daytime job into my evenings but so far this week, it’s been a pretty gnarly one. Last night I came home and did absolutely nothing, my brain was just too shot. Today was another busy one but Tuesdays are my “work at the train station” nights and I don’t want to miss that.

I really want to keep this weekly blog going not only for any potential readers that may be out there but also just for myself. To keep myself accountable for what I’m working on and to log my progress. I plan on sharing these posts to my Instagram for my minimal but loyal fanbase there. Maybe one of my artist friends there will read this and be inspired to work on their personal projects too!

Last week:

I finally finished my first set of Stories to Stickers! I completed the artwork for the Six of Crows stickers, filmed the accompanying TikTok and posted it all on Thursday night. The person who recommended the book is an old TikTok friend of mine so I was happy to have her be the first to be featured and receive some free stickers!

On Friday, I spent the night at my local coffee shop working away at my website design. I added some more pages, cleaned some things and really refined the whole site so it’s ready for customer interaction!

Saturday was a bit of a mixed day for me, I had some driving tasks to take care of for my grandmother, I did some digital organization of my home PC and then watched Muppets from Space with my mom which, after having not watched it in over 15 years, wasn’t as funny as I remember. Except for Pepe and Rizzo, they could never make me hate those two…

Sunday was for me, I spent the day on the sunny porch of my aunt’s condo with my dog drawing up card #3 for The Chicago Oracle. The Marshall Field Clock was a particularly intimidating card design due to its monochrome color palette and intricate details. I took a more impressionist approach to it though which made the result absolutely lovely. I will definitely be applying this coloring/shading method to future cards.

I’m now working on card #4 which is for the bridges in Chicago! This card will represent paths that could be open to us that could also close at any time…

And now that I’m finished with Six of Crows, I’m onto reading The House in the Cerulean Sea. A coworker recommended it to me a few months ago and when she found my TikTok asking for books, she commented on it! So it is now officially Book #2 in the series! I’m about 4 hours into the 11 hour audiobook and I’m quite liking it so far! I can already tell that there is a ton of sticky potential there!

That’s all I have for now! Until next Tuesday!

Always the best!

-Shelby :)


Books, Bobs, Battlestar Galactica (Weekly Update)


A Brief Introduction…