Books, Bobs, Battlestar Galactica (Weekly Update)

I have a bit of an odd Tuesday night going on here. I don’t have work tomorrow in observance of Juneteenth. Which made today both a Tuesday and Friday night. Tomorrow is a Wednesday but also a Saturday morning and Sunday night. I plan on using my time catching up on some tattoo commissions for my brother and my coworker’s brother. I’m currently in the middle of working on an updated profile picture for Chloe who I mentioned last week. I haven’t drawn a portrait in a hot second, the last one I did was probably the 1984 “radio show” if you can even count it. After spending a few dozen hours drawing Andrew Garfield and Cynthia Erivo, I ended up covering them in almost total shadow in the name of aesthetics.

Oi vey…so much work!

But it’s fun to work on a face again, to play around with shadows and colored lines. I think it’ll end up looking rather nice.

This past week, I finished reading/listening to The House in the Cerulean Sea which was book #2 for the Stories to Stickers series. It was so cute and dare I say…Quirky! AGH! I really enjoyed it.

I finished reading it on Thursday night while working in my local coffee shop. I need to remind myself to time “book ending” , especially sweet ones, which a night I’m going to be at home so I cry over it properly.

I spent Saturday working on some things around the house and completing orders from my Etsy store. I had a good number of them to fulfill and since I still have yet to receive my bulk order of them through Death By Stickers, I had to print and cut about 45 Project Hail Mary stickers on my Cricut.

Sunday was spent watching The Godfather Part II with my mom and grandmother. My goodness, I had no idea Robert De Niro could look so…ahem.

Then last night, I came home on the early train to print off my Cerulean Sea stickers and film the TikTok reviewing it and showing off the sticker designs. Monday was also when I started book #3, another coworker recommendation. Call me biased but they have good recs!

Book #3 is We Are Legion (We Are Bob) which so far is a rather interesting story about human to AI technology, cloning and space exploration. With a healthy does of existentialism and a slight amount of body horror…or lack there of, it’s shaping up to be a pretty intriguing plot! The funny thing was that my coworker, who knew I was going to use it for Stories to Stickers, had thought of some stickers of his own but chose not to tell me what they were. He wanted to see if I would come up with the same idea! And lo and behold, I did! I told him on the train coming home that I thought XYZ would be a funny sticker to use and he went “I KNEW IT!”. Needless to say, he’s very excited to see the finished products.

Judging by how quickly I’m listening to these books, I should be done with We Are Legion by tomorrow. My 40 minute train ride and the 20 minute walk from the train to my office gives me at the least 2 hours of listening time a day. Once I get to about 2-3 hours left to go, I like to finish it that night. By the time there’s only that much time left, we’re usually at some really good stuff and I don’t want to “put the book down”. Plus I listen to all my books at 1.25 speed so a 9 hour audiobook becomes a 7 hour one that I can finish in about 3 days.

I probably won’t get back onto the oracle deck until next week since I’ll most likely be working on the We Are Legion stickers this weekend.

Looked at houses in Washington today. I think that might be the next move once I save up enough.

Onwards and upwards!

Only the best, -Shelby :)


Fear my Entrepreneurial Powers (Weekly Update)


The 5-9 after my 9-5 (Weekly Update)